On my 50th birthday...
I started questioning the direction for the next stage of my life.  I knew I needed to make a change, but I needed more clarity in determining the right steps I needed to take to align more with my passions and purpose.  I also struggled with poor work life balance.  I was constantly frustrated because I had a difficult time setting boundaries and saying no in every area of my life.  I felt totally unappreciated and unfulfilled in my current career.  Can you relate?

But then, I found a personal development program that  totally transformed my life.  This program helped me identify the areas of my life where I needed more balance.  Then after much self reflection, I was able to determine how to recreate and align my life with my dreams and purpose.  I became a certified life coach and I am now passionate about helping other women transform their lives too.

I am ready to help you live the next stage of your life on your own terms!

It is never too late to start!

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We all need friendship and support in our journey.


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A Community of warrior women
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Transformation coaching
Accountability coaching
Group coaching

“For the first time in 25 years, I am making myself a priority again.
By working with Debbie, I found my purpose and am now living my life with more freedom and less stress.”

- Veronica


Warrior Women Community

Join a community with liked minded women to find support and encouragement in all areas of your life. Make new friends!  
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Warrior Women Community Coming Soon!